From Babatpur, we went to Kashi. For arrangements in Kashi, I had requested Sri Prasanna Sharma (ph: 094153 03222). He has a younger brother Sri Kedara Sharma (Ph:94505 46017). They are sons of Sri Vishwanatha Sharma M.A, {Address: S/O Late Mysore Krishna Shastry, Krishna Rukmini Nivasa, 27, Hanuman Ghat, Varanasi 221 001. Phone:0542-2275291}. They originally belong to Karnataka and speak Kannada amongst other languages. Sri Vishwanatha Sharma is a scholar and more than 90 years old. I was more in touch with Sri Prasanna Sharma who runs a shop “Annapoorna Sarees” {Address: D-35/76, Jangambari, Jangam Math, Varanasi-221001, Phone:0542-2450865 / 2451026}and has shades of typical business acumen. On prior request, they make arrangements to receive us at Railway station, accommodation, rituals, Darshans, shopping etc. I knew them well as during my previous visit to Kashi in December 2006, I was very satisfied with the arrangements they had made. Initially, I came to know about them on the recommendation of my uncle Gopappachi, Jodukallu.
Accommodation: Mr. Sharma had booked our accommodation at ‘Sree Sree Balanand Tirthashram’ {Address: B 3/179, Shivala, Varanasi -221001. Phone 0542-6457897. email: vishwatmananda@ } and hence we proceeded to the said place. It is situated in Hanuman Ghat (next to Harishchandra Ghat) on the banks of holy river Ganga. The surrounding roads leading to the said place are very narrow and just wide enough to accommodate a small car. However, the narrow roads somehow manage two-way traffic, cows, cycle rickshaws, autos, lined up shops, houses, pedestrians and filth. The normal charge for a room in the said Ashram is Rs.150 per bed (i.e., Rs.300 for a double room). It is more like a charity house and not a commercial lodge or hotel. They collect charges as donation and not as rent. However, rooms are good. I stayed in the same place during my earlier visit too. We reached there around 2.30pm on 1.10.09.

Ganga Aarathi: Mr। Sharma suggested us to complete shopping, if any and to witness the grand show of Ganga Aarathi in the evening। Mother bought sarees to gift to her daughters, daughters in law and elder sisters। The Sarees were all economy versions bought from the shop of Mr। Sharma. Thereafter, we went to Dashashwamedha Ghat, where every evening, after sunset, a grand show of Ganga Aarathi a sort of worshipping of the river was being performed. Crowd was gathering at large numbers including plenty of foreigners. Visitors were occupying every inch of the place available. We chose to sit in a stationary boat and watch the show from the river for a better view. Enough number of docked boats are available to sit and watch the show and boatmen collect about Rs.10 per head for an hour. The Aarathi started slowly and gathered momentum in a very grand manner blended with soothing bhajans and was very impressive. The show lasted for about 30-45 mins.
Thereafter, we returned to the Ashram for rest. Next day was scheduled for Ganga snana and Darshana of Lord Vishwanatha and other deities.
Quote from Bhagavad Gita (Chap 9- verse 26)
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति । तदहं भक्त्युपहृतं अश्नामि प्रयतात्मनः ॥ {Leaves or flowers or fruits or even water is acceptable to me as long as it is submitted with Bhakti}
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