Sunday, December 27, 2009
Eclipses in early 2010
Timings (Local time Mangalore) are as follows:
Sparsha: 00:19 am
Moksha: 01:25 am
The eclipse is in 'Ardra Nakshatra'. The 'Rashis' which are being affected are:
Mithuna, Karkaataka, Vrushchika and Makara.
Food to be taken before 3pm on 31.12.2009 (Kids, sick persons and pregnant women may however take food upto 9:45 pm )
This eclipse is soon followed by a Solar eclipse on 15.01.2010 about which I intend to update after few days.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The sacred tree of Ashwatha

Ashwatha or Pipal tree is considered very sacred. The above is a conversation between Sage Narada and Lord Brahma regarding the sacred tree 'Ashwatha'. On top is the customary respect to the teacher or Guru. I intend to translate each verse into English, beginning with 'Guru vandane', in my new found craze tweets. You may follow them verse wise (e.g, v1 will be translation of verse 1, v2 is verse 2 and so on.) in my twitter at
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Disclaimer (Chap 7)
If these write ups encourage at least some people to contemplate a trip to Kashi, I will be happy. I will be truly grateful, if at least few of them, actually undertake the trip.
For the prospective visitor, I must warn about two important factors:
Firstly, if one intends to visit the place purely on a pleasure trip just like a tour to any other place, I am sure he will get disappointed soon. Quite likely he may see only filth, narrow lanes, excessive crowd, cheating of their money at every point and may even skip a bath in Ganga.
On the contrary, Kashi is THE place to be visited if one is ardently religious, has a firm belief in Hindu philosophy of life and a strong resolve to put up with any difficulties.
Secondly, there can be many obstacles and setbacks from the moment you conceive the idea of pilgrimage till you actually complete it. I too faced many obstacles. Some of them are getting the right dates to travel, frequent change in the schedule of exams and vacation of daughters, strike of pilots of Air India, aborting of trip on 29th Sept, anxiety due to the failure of the driver who was supposed to drop us at Babatpur airport etc. Each one may face different obstacles. Please be prepared to counter those hurdles with innate resourcefulness.
शुभमस्तु पन्थानः (Bon voyage)
I conclude with a verse from Bhagavatha. (Verse 6-2-18)
अज्ञानादथवा ज्ञानादुत्तमश्लोकनाम यत् ।
संकीर्तितमघं पुम्सो दहेदेधो यथानलः ॥
(Reciting names of god knowingly or even unknowingly burns the sins of man like fire destroying the wood)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Blessings (Chap 6).
Thereafter, we went on a boat ride in the river. It gives a great view of many ghats on the banks of the river, pilgrims taking bath in those ghats and many rituals being performed. Most of them are public bathing ghats, some are privately owned and in a few ghats like Harischandra and Manikarnika cremation takes place. One of the ghats that we saw was Narada Ghat where husband and wife are NOT supposed to bathe together. If they do so, it is believed that soon they will start quarelling even before they reach their home. I do not know what would happen if the husband and wife have been quarelling even before taking bath in Narada Ghat.
After returning from the river, I went to the house of Sri Vishwanatha Sharma to offer my pranams. He is aged more than 90 years, bit hard in hearing, frail and a great scholar with fluency in Sanskrit and English. He complimented me for bringing my parents to Holy Kashi at their old age and remarked “You are a Noble Son…”. I was suddenly overcome with emotions. Thereafter, upon paying my respects, he blessed me in eloquent Sanskrit. I must say I was doubly happy for he not only blessed me but also did so in Sanskrit. I honestly felt that the blessing is worth all the trouble faced while taking the parents on a pilgrimage. Regarding fondness for blessings in Sanskrit, I must recall a story. It appears there was an illiterate person. He was fond of bowing before scholars and asking for blessings in Sanskrit. However, one scholar, desired to put an end to his insistence. Thus, once as soon as the illiterate person bent down too close to comfort and sought for blessings in Sanskrit, the scholar reportedly came up with this retort: मम वृषणौ तव शिरसि भवतः ।
(You need translation? Well, it means “My testicles are resting upon your head”)
Set to return: We finished packing. Took food at Vadiji’s house. At 11.30 am we were set to proceed to airport. The van which was to take us to airport failed to turn up. Since I had booked the van directly and the guide was deprived of his hefty commission, I guess he played the spoilsport. In any case, Shri Sharma immediately arranged an alternate vehicle. With narrow roads and busy traffic, the journey took longer than expected and we were just in time to board the plane back to Mumbai. We reached Mumbai around 4pm. We went to Kumara Bhava’s house. Later in the night he took us for another ride in the city and we traveled in the Bandra-Worli Sea link, a new landmark of Mumbai.
Back to Mangalore: On 4th Oct 09 Sunday morning, Kumara Bhava very thoughtfully took us to Bandra Kurla Complex where National Stock Exchange is situated. I saluted the imposing building. Thereafter he dropped us in Mumbai airport. Reached Mangalore at noon. My colleague Santhosh greeted with a broad smile and dropped us home. Later, parents took a bus to native place. Thus, the trip which is more like a dream came to an end. Once in Mangalore, the bliss experienced in Varanasi gave way to the hard realities of life.
I must quote from Garuda Purana [Verse 6-26]
गर्भे व्याधौ श्मशाने च पुराणे या मतिर्भावेत ।
सा यदि स्थिरतां याति को न मुच्येत बंधनात ॥
(The feelings one get while in mother’s womb, or during illness, or at cremation place or while listening to religious discourses, if remain permanent, every one would have attained Moksha easily) .
My colleague Ramakrishnayya sent the following sms which is echoing in me ever since.
भगवता विश्वेश्वरेण भवान पुनरपि अनुग्रहीत: ।
(You are once again blessed by Lord Vishveshwara !)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Snana and Darshana (Chap 5)
The Mandir is a highly protected area with screening by security at every stage. Mobiles, Pens and Camera’s are not allowed inside the temple. We can keep our belongings and chappals in any of the shops which are lined up on either side of the narrow lanes leading to the temple. If you enquire as to what the charges are for the safe custody of your belongings, the shop keepers generously announce that there are no charges and is free! The only hitch is that they force us to buy flowers or sweets or whatever the shop sells at exorbitant rates. There was lengthy que for the Darshan of Jyothirlinga. Thorough personal search was there in 2-3 points with cops totting with assault rifles. Lady visitors were also thoroughly frisked. Though the lady officers search for any weapons etc, they minutely observe whether the visitor has hidden a purse or not at vantage points. So intense would be the frisking. If some male readers desire to get immense job satisfaction by joining police force and relish the prospect of frisking women visitors, I must disappoint them. Only lady officers are allowed to do so, that too within an enclosure! Though the que moved slowly, we kept ourselves occupied by chanting stotras and also by watching the wholesome entertainment provided by the monkeys who were plenty in number. Once inside the ‘Garbha Gruha’, the feeling we get is beyond description. A sense of satisfaction encompasses. The reality soon dawns as we are pushed out. There are no special poojas or Seva’s to the best of my knowledge which are typical of South Indian Temples. Generally it takes 2 hours once you stand in que to visit the deity and come out. We collected our belongings and came to lodge.
Food on the previous day and instant day’s breakfast was not up to the mark. I made by displeasure known to Jagadish, our guide, in no uncertain terms for taking to such mediocre hotels and insisted for better place. Hence, for lunch, we were taken to Mr.Vadiji’s house{Address: B-4/20, Purnananda Math, Hanuman Ghat. Phone:097933 31480} who is a priest in one of the temples. The lunch was homely, very good and served in a traditional way. We decided to visit him for supper and also next day’s lunch. However, Vadiji was not much enthused by our mere readiness, but promptly collected advance for supper and next day’s brunch!. His eating joint was just 2 min walk from Balanand Ashram.
Afternoon, our guide arranged a Maruti Omni for the city tour. We visited Kala Bhairav Temple. Lord Kala Bhairav is considered as the protector of Kashi and belief is that his consent is needed for anybody’s stay in Kashi. It is also the place where the famous Kashi threads or wrist bands are sold. Daughters dutifully chanted the ‘Kala Bhairavashtaka’ which they had learnt in Chinmaya Balavihara classes. Later we visited Benares Hindu University and the Birla Mandir situated in the campus. I was greatly elated to see the Sanskrit department in the University campus. Therafter, we went to Sankata Mochana or Hanuman Temple. Here also the security is very tight. Plenty of monkeys were freely roaming and parading their acrobatic skill with gay abandon. We wanted to chant the ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ but had forgotten to carry the books. Luckily we saw heaps of books kept near by and pulled a few and started chanting the Hanuman Chalisa wth all the devotion, we could summon. Soon a big monkey came very close, stood within a meter distance from us, observed our chanting for a while and majestically moved away.
Though we were supposed to see few other temples, we decided come back and take rest for the day.
असारे खलु संसारे सुखभ्रान्तिः शरीरिणम् ।
{People look for peace in the worldly affairs forgetting the divinity elsewhere just like infants suck the thumb believing it to be breast milk.}
Sunday, October 11, 2009
In Kashi (Chap 4)
Accommodation: Mr. Sharma had booked our accommodation at ‘Sree Sree Balanand Tirthashram’ {Address: B 3/179, Shivala, Varanasi -221001. Phone 0542-6457897. email: vishwatmananda@ } and hence we proceeded to the said place. It is situated in Hanuman Ghat (next to Harishchandra Ghat) on the banks of holy river Ganga. The surrounding roads leading to the said place are very narrow and just wide enough to accommodate a small car. However, the narrow roads somehow manage two-way traffic, cows, cycle rickshaws, autos, lined up shops, houses, pedestrians and filth. The normal charge for a room in the said Ashram is Rs.150 per bed (i.e., Rs.300 for a double room). It is more like a charity house and not a commercial lodge or hotel. They collect charges as donation and not as rent. However, rooms are good. I stayed in the same place during my earlier visit too. We reached there around 2.30pm on 1.10.09.
Thereafter, we returned to the Ashram for rest. Next day was scheduled for Ganga snana and Darshana of Lord Vishwanatha and other deities.
Quote from Bhagavad Gita (Chap 9- verse 26)
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति ।
तदहं भक्त्युपहृतं अश्नामि प्रयतात्मनः ॥
{Leaves or flowers or fruits or even water is acceptable to me as long as it is submitted with Bhakti}
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Reaching Varanasi (Chap 3)
Let us proceed further.
On the early morning of Wednesday, the 30th Sept 09, parents came from my native place by bus. Mother was shivering with cold and father was pale as he could not bring required money for expenditure and the ATM card he had was long expired.
We kept our luggage as light as possible by stuffing all our items in 8 handbags. Daughters took their dress and other items in their school bags and also enthusiastically carried the bags of their grand parents.
We reached Bajpe airport by 9.45 am. I was keen to explain father and daughters, who were curious on their maiden air travel, the normal sequence of check in, filling baggage tags and collecting boarding card etc. However, I could not do so due to unusual rush and also that I needed some modification in the tickets. Frankly, I was tense due to the ongoing strike of pilots and there was no signs of its ending in the near future.
Shortly, we got the first good news that the strike in Air India has been called off. Thereafter, we proceeded to security check, got our hand bags screened and boarded IX 302 to Mumbai. My friend arranged an entire row of 3+3 seats in the plane. Shortly the flight was airborne. Father and Daughters were busy looking out. Mother was oblivious to happenings outside and was focused on her final destination. Daughters quickly observed that the land below looks like Wikimapia!. I began reading my customary “Vishnu Sahasranama” and “Soundarya Lahari” and Bharathi followed soon by reading “Lalitha Sahasranama”. Refreshments were served and soon we landed in Mumbai Sahara (as the flight had originated from Gulf). Got into a taxi and reached Kumarabhava’s quarters in Chembur Camp.
In the evening, after his return from office, Kumara bhava took us in his car for a city tour. Devi akka and Mother stayed back. Bhava showed us India Govt Mint and RBI. I respectfully bowed on sighting the Bombay Stock Exchange Building {as a mark of gratitude for whatever knowledge that I accumulated about shares}, a host of other buildings and ‘land marks’, Gate way of India, Hotel Taj, Marine Drive, Malabar Hills, Pali Hills etc.
On the morning of Thursday, Ist October, he dropped us well in time at Santacruz. Here I could give a boring lecture to father and daughters about the process of check in. We were delighted to see innumerable landings and take offs in the runway. We soon boarded IC195 which left Mumbai at 9.45am. I chanted ‘Ganapathi Atharvasheersha’, ‘Durgasooktha’, ‘Laghunyasa’, ‘Rudra’, ‘Chamaka’ ‘Devi, Medha, Brahma and Shraddha Sookthas’ enroute. There was a brief stop over at Chaudhuri Charan Singh airport at Lucknow. Our next destination was Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport at Babatpur, Varanasi. Babatpur is about 26 kms from Varanasi {towards Lucknow}.
Proceeding further, at about 1 pm we landed at Babatpur, Varanasi.
आयु: नश्यति पश्यतां प्रतिदिनं याति क्षयं यौवनं
प्रत्यायन्ति गता: पुन: न दिवसा: कालो जगद्भक्षकः ।
लक्ष्मी: तोय तरंग भंग चपला विद्युत्च्छलं जीवितं
तस्मात् मां शरणागतं करुणया त्व रक्ष रक्षाधुना ॥
[On each passing day, our longevity gets reduced and the Youth passes. The day’s bygone does not come again. Wealth is not permanent. Life is short. Therefore, O lord, kindly save me, save me]
Miraculous Revival (Chap 2)
Luckily, my parents took the hindrance in their stride, as yet another addition to the innumerable setbacks they faced in life. They were philosophical, believing that the right time to visit is yet to come.
Bharathi was composed as canceling of my planned trips were not too uncommon for her.
Sri was relieved as she can prepare for her ensuing exams.
Vai derived consolation at the prospect of opening the gift box of “Kaju Katli” (Sweet made of Cashew) which I was planning to give to my colleague in Varanasi. She eagerly opened the box only to see that the sweet had started to deteriorate. Only later she became disappointed.
I was disappointed to visualize the hassles of obtaining refund of tickets, re depositing the LTC advance I drew, finding new set of suitable dates for travel, re applying for leave and advance, re planning the trip etc was certainly beyond a lazy man like me. (I must concede that I have improved in this regard. Earlier I was lazy, now lazier!)
I went to Air India ticketing office for refund. They cancelled my tickets but had no money to refund. I could not even shout at them as other irate passengers must have already done so. I offered to wait for a few days to get the money back.
News of the cancellation of our cherished trip was certainly faster than I could imagine. From the various reactions we received, we realized that:
Some were disappointed that we were not as disappointed as they imagined and
Some were happy and relieved to hear that we were absolutely composed.
I had a surprise in store in the late evening as the efficient Ms Mamatha, informed over phone that Air India plans to make alternate arrangements and desired to know whether I risk traveling the very next day. I readily said Yes, and asked Bharathi to get ready. Parents (who had gone back to the native place) were informed in the night and they were ready to join us next morning. Problem was my father had already deposited the cash he had, in the bank and there was no time to visit the Bank for drawal of cash. You mentioned ATM Card?. Yes, he was holding a card expired long back.
Thus, by god’s grace, the trip which was aborted in the morning had a rebirth in less than 12 hours.
I must quote from Bhagavad Gita, {Chap 6, Verse 40}
न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद्दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति ।
Monday, September 28, 2009
The holy Kashi (Chap 1)
The new
Sankat Mochan Temple is dedicated to Lord Hanuman and is very popular with the local citizens. It is a place for many yearly religious as well as cultural festivals.
Kala Bhairava Temple: It is the ancient temple of Varanasi near VishesharGanj. God KalBhairav is believed as "Kotwal Of Varanasi" , without his permission no one can stay in Kashi.
To every visitor;
Should you desire more info, pl visit the following among other sites.
I was planning to pay my 2nd visit there on LTC. This time with parents, wife and daughters. On the day of departure, however, the Air India flight got cancelled.
गंगा तरंग रमणीय जटा कलापं गौरी निरंतर विभूषित वाम भागम्
नारायण प्रिय मनन्ग मदापहारं वाराणासी पुरपतें भज विश्वनाथं
Sunday, September 13, 2009
ಭದ್ರಗಿರಿ ಶ್ರೀ ಅಚ್ಯುತ ದಾಸ
Despite his ripe age of 80, ಶ್ರೀ ಅಚ್ಯುತ ದಾಸ held his audience spell bound with his mastery in the presenting the ಹರಿಕಥೆ of ಭಕ್ತ ಸುದಾಮ. There was a right mixture of quotes from Upanishads & Bhagavatha, right doses of wit and humour and very melodious voice.
He sang many ದಾಸರ ಗೀತೆಗಳು. Particularly he chose ಇಟ್ಠಾಂಗೆ ಇರುವೆನು ಹರಿಯೆ for a detailed narration.
Why should we hear Harikathe from scholars like ಶ್ರೀ ಅಚ್ಯುತ ದಾಸ ?
ನ ವಿನಾ ವಿದುಷಾಂ ವಾಕ್ಯೈ: ನಶ್ಯತಿ ಅಭ್ಯನ್ತರಂ ತಮ:
{ The inner darkness do not get removed unless one hears a true scholar}
Blessed are those who hear ಶ್ರೀ ಅಚ್ಯುತ ದಾಸ with all sincerity.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Stories of Panchatantra (for Men!) Part-2
In the previous part we read about the romancing skills of women. Here let us see how they fare subsequently as per Panchatantra.
नाग्नि: तृप्यति काष्टानां नापगानां महोदधि: ।
नान्तक: सर्व भूतानां न पुंसां वामलोचना ॥
The fire is never satisfied by putting more and more fire wood. The ocean will never be satisfied with more and more rivers merging with it. Yama raja (Lord of death) also is never satisfied by taking the lives of more and more people. Similarly, women never satisfied from any number of men!.
रहो नास्ति क्षणो नास्ति नास्ति प्रार्थयिता नर: ।
तेन नारद ! नारीणां सतीत्वमुपजायते ॥
Many women have remained chaste. The secret of their remaining chaste is due to absence of private place or time and absence of courageous men who dare to enjoy them!.
यो मोहान्मन्यते मूडो रक्तेयं मम कामिनी ।
सा तस्य वशगो नित्यं भवेत्क्रीडाशकुन्तवत ॥
If anyone foolishly believes that “This woman is loving me fully”, then he is certain live like a puppet and become a permanent slave to her.
स्त्रियं च य: प्रार्थयते सन्निकर्षं च गच्चति ।
ईषच्च कुरुते सेवां तमेवेच्छंति योषित: ॥
Women desire such men who are always plead before them, who always loiter around them and who are ever ready to do petty helps. Such men are preferred by women.
I make it abundantly clear that the above descriptions are too general in nature, exaggerated to certain extent and cannot be universally true. We must realise that there are and there will be innumerable number of honourable exceptions. The only point I emphsise is the requirement of general public to revisit our classical texts to get wholesome entertainment in its multiple faces.
Well, more shlokas in the 3rd part. Watch out this space
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Stories of Panchatantra (for Men!) Part-1
Please do not come to any premature conclusion that stories of Panchatantra are just for children. It contains many invaluable lessons for adults much more than children.
Here are few shlokas:
जल्पन्ति सार्धमन्येन पश्यन्त्यन्येन सविभ्रमा: ।
हृद्गतं चिन्तयन्त्यन्यं प्रिय: को नाम योषितां ॥
(Women while having romance with one man, will look to another man with love, remember another lover in her mind all at the same time. Thus no woman is completely devoted to anyone.)
Please don’t think that this one shloka cannot generalize women. Here is another shloka with similar meaning:
एकेन स्मितपाटलाधररुचो जल्पन्ति अनल्पाक्षरं
वीक्षन्ते अन्यमित: स्पुटत्कुमुदिनीफ़ुल्लोलसल्लोचनाः ।
दूरोदारचरित्रचित्रविभवं ध्यायन्ति चान्यं धिया
केनेत्थं परमार्थतोऽर्थवदिव प्रेमाऽस्ति वामाभ्रुवां ॥
(Women ,with their pleasing smile and light red lips, speak eloquently with one person, [at the same time], with their lotus eyes look discreetly to another man with passion [and at the same time] they will also fondly remember another hero or flame who is romantically popular with women. Thus, whether beautiful women have any complete love to anyone? ).
Well, if this is the attitude to romance, what would be their attitude in its climax?
Watch out for more updates in this blog.
Friday, August 21, 2009
A very useful blog
Monday, August 03, 2009
It took 41 long years....
As providence has it, in this evening's Gita + sanskrit class, i not only got the definition and also the authority. Certainly the best gift I can hope for on my birthday and more so when earleir part of the day had more of miseries than joy!
मधुसूदनः = मधुं (तन्नामकं ) दैत्यं सूदयति इति मधुसूदनः
मधु + सूद + णिच (सवार्थे ) + ल्यु (अन)
सूदनं मधुदैत्यस्य यस्मात् स मधुसूदनः {ब्रह्मवैवर्त पुराणे -११०}
Sunday, August 02, 2009
My Great Predecessors
[Great people become old in their mind first and then in body. But ordinary people, even if become very old in body, will continue to be greedy and hence mind will not be old]
Friday, July 10, 2009
Solar Eclipse on 22nd July 09
Though eclipses generally affect all, since it is occuring in Pushya Nakshatra, those who are born in Cancer [Karkataka], Leo [Simha], Sagittarius[Dhanu] or Aquarius[Kumbha] would be affected in particular.
Food can be taken upto 8:30 pm on 21.07.09. On 22nd, food needs to be prepared only after the conclusion of eclipse.
How to observe an eclipse is already written elsewhere in this blog.
Well, the easiest way to appear "progressive", "modern", "scientific" or "rationalist" is to critisize or ridicule the time tested practices. There is a befitting shloka told by Shukraacharya to Vrushaparva in Mahabharatha, Aadi Parva:
नाधर्म: चरितो राजन् सद्य: फलति गौरिव ।
शनै: आवार्त्यमानो हि कर्तु: मूलानि कृन्तति ।
[Oh King, if you knowingly follow Adharama, it will not give quick result like Cows. Instead, the fruits of wrong deeds will surely revisit you slowly but with deadly blow to your roots]
Friday, June 12, 2009
Exam results
गीता प्रवेश: is a unique course teaching samskrit through Bhagavad Gita. The advantage is one can reap the benefit of both samskrit and Gita.
Ok. Why should one trumpet the mediocre performance in an exam when those who have scored more have kept a low profile?
स्तोतार: के भविष्यन्ति मूर्खस्य जगतीतले
न स्तौति चेत् स्वयं च स्वं कदा तस्यास्तु निर्वृति:
{In this world no one praises a fool. Hence he is forced to praise himself. But when he will be free from the self commendation?}
Monday, April 20, 2009
A minor accident.
I just recall, a good shloka about doctors and treatments:
प्रवर्थनार्थमारम्भे मध्ये तु औषध हेतवे
बहुमानार्थमंते च जिहीर्षन्ति चिकित्सकाः
{Doctors take money at the beginning for commencing the treatment,
they continue to take money in the middle, on the guise of medicinal costs,
at the end also they will take money as honourarium for having cured the patient.! Thus, they succeed in taking out the money of patients.}
This incident was not reported in the press. However, an ayurvedic doctor had pointed out in her useful blog that, persons like me could also have been admitted to an Ayurvedic Hospital nearby. I too would have liked to get into an ayurvedic treatment, given a choice. In any case, you may please visit her blog for her views on these types of incidents in particular and wealth of Ayurveda in general:
Sunday, March 29, 2009
He obtained 4 'vara's from Dattatreya
(i) to beget 1000 hands and lot of wealth
(ii) to be able rule the world with righteousness
(iii) to win good people by doing good deeds and to defeat bad people with sharp weapons and
(iv) to get death only from God .
Once Lord Agni approached ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ and said that he is hungry and sought food. ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ was so magnanimous that he offered the entire earth to Agni as alms. Agni was thus encouraged and proceeded to burn everything on earth. When Agni began to burn sage Vasishta's hermitage, Vasishta cursed ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ that Parashuraama will cut his 1000 hands and kill him.
Once Raavana fought with ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ and miserably lost. He was rotting in the prison of ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ. Finally ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ released Raavana from the prison as per the request of sage Pulastya.
Once, when Sage Jamadagni and his 5 children were away, ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ entered his hermitage and took holy cow Kaamadhenu by force. Parashuraama took revenge by cutting his 1000 hands and also by killing him.
{ The Chakra of Lord Vishnu once became arrogant and thought that it is stronger than Vishnu himself. Inorder to teach his weapon Chakra, a lesson, Lord Vishnu asked it to be born as ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ and Vishnu was born as Parashuraama. Thus, by killing ಕಾರ್ತವೀರ್ಯ, Vishnu demonstrated his supremacy.}
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Very useful Shloka's
सर्पापसर्पा भद्रं ते गच्छ सर्प महाविष
जनमेजय यज्ञांते आस्तीक वचनं स्मर ।
[ O poisonous snake, please go away from here. You recall the promise made by your ancestors to sage Astheeka]
Sage Astheeka was instrumental in stopping the Sarpa Yagna of Janamejaya. In gratitude, all snakes promised the sage not to to hurt anyone who remembers him.
2. To find lost items:
कार्तावीर्यार्जुन: नाम राजा बाहू सहस्रावान्
यस्य स्मरण मात्रेण गतं नष्टं च लभ्यते ।
[If you remember Kaarthaveeryaarjuna, a king with 1000 hands, you will easily get lost items].