I am glad to announce that I had undergone गीता प्रवेश: course conducted by Samskrita Bharathi and have passed the exam with 87%. {I admit, the score is nothing to boast about and surely due to liberal valuation}.
गीता प्रवेश: is a unique course teaching samskrit through Bhagavad Gita. The advantage is one can reap the benefit of both samskrit and Gita.
Ok. Why should one trumpet the mediocre performance in an exam when those who have scored more have kept a low profile?
स्तोतार: के भविष्यन्ति मूर्खस्य जगतीतले
न स्तौति चेत् स्वयं च स्वं कदा तस्यास्तु निर्वृति:
{In this world no one praises a fool. Hence he is forced to praise himself. But when he will be free from the self commendation?}