I met with a minor accident near Bejai on 17.4.2009. I fell unconcious and was admitted to AJ Hospital which is about 2 kms away. I recovered my senses only after about 30 minutes. The doctors scanned my head for any injuries. They must have reported that there were no injuries and also no brains, a fact known only to few is now known to every body. The very fact that I have posted this article shows that I have recovered quickly.
I just recall, a good shloka about doctors and treatments:
प्रवर्थनार्थमारम्भे मध्ये तु औषध हेतवे
बहुमानार्थमंते च जिहीर्षन्ति चिकित्सकाः
{Doctors take money at the beginning for commencing the treatment,
they continue to take money in the middle, on the guise of medicinal costs,
at the end also they will take money as honourarium for having cured the patient.! Thus, they succeed in taking out the money of patients.}
This incident was not reported in the press. However, an ayurvedic doctor had pointed out in her useful blog that, persons like me could also have been admitted to an Ayurvedic Hospital nearby. I too would have liked to get into an ayurvedic treatment, given a choice. In any case, you may please visit her blog for her views on these types of incidents in particular and wealth of Ayurveda in general: